School News
HBHS Hosts competitors in the Gallagher Great Race
HBHS was proud to host the competitors in the eighth annual Gallagher Great Race on Wednesday 23 September. The race will see the University of Oxford (UK) challenge the University of Waikato on Sunday 27 September 2009. The crews were welcomed to a middle school assembly, and had the opportunity to mingle with staff, student rowers and teachers during lunch.
HBHS Hosts Sugar Ray Leonard
Sugar Ray Leonard, named Fighter of the Decade for the 1980s, and widely considered to be one of the best boxers of all time, appeared at Hamilton Boys’ High School on Thursday to speak briefly to the students as an ambassador for boxing. Mr Leonard has won world titles at multiple weights and engaging in contests with such celebrated opponents as Wilfred Benitez, Thomas Hearns, Roberto Duran and Marvin Hagler. The boys welcomed him with an impromptu haka, and paid rapt attention as he explained his current role, and his road to success. A highlight of the encounter was the ‘Question and Answer’ period at the end of the presentation, where Mr Leonard bantered with the boys, and encouraged them to ‘do their homework’ in the pursuit of their dreams.
Click here to view video highlights of the event.
HBHS in Gillette Cup Championship
What is the Gillette Cup?
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HBHS In-line Hockey Team win Silver
Congratulations to the HBHS In-line Hockey team on their silver medal winning performance at the New Zealand Youth Games, held in Hamilton over the weekend. Thanks and congratulations to the team and to Teacher in Charge of In-line Hickey Ms Nicola Kueh on what has been an excellent year of results for this code. The final was an extremely close affair, and HBHS were commended for their sportsmanship and fine conduct under pressure. For more information on this achievement and on the New Zealand Youth Games, check out the link below:
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HBHS Junior Cricketers runners-up at Nationals
The HBHS Junior Cricket team missed out by six wickets on a national title, losing to Otago Boys' High School in the final, played yesterday in Palmerston North. Due to losing the first two days to rain, the tournament ran on a different format from Wednesday, becoming a Twenty 20 tournament, which suited the HBHS team. They beat Sacred Heart, then tied with Christchurch Boys' High School and beat New Plymouth Boys' High School to advance to the final on a superior runs-per-wicket ratio. They met the other pool-play winner, Otago Boys' High School, in the final where they were beaten. Congratulations to the team on this impressive performance, and thanks to Mr Brian Jones and Mr Tim Aughton for their commitment to HBHS cricket.
Read MoreHBHS Junior Hockey
HBHS' hockey teams are being convened for the new season. Sometimes we forget what it is like to make the transition into what can be an extremely challenging sports environment for our youngest students. A brand new member of the school, Chris Riddell (Year 9, centre of photo) offered his insights into the differences between secondary school hockey, and the competitions he's been involved with prior to starting high school.
How long have you been playing hockey?
I started when I was about six, at Gordonton, playing six-a-side, on grass. I now play on turf, as part of the Boys' High U15 team.
You recently played your first secondary school match, against Westlake Boys' High School. What was that like?
It was a two hour bus trip to get there, and the game itself was much faster than anything we had been used to before. The turf was an Olympic field, so it was blue, while the ball was yellow, so that we could see it really clearly. Even the change in something like that takes some adjustment.
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