
School News

HBHS Junior Leaders Announced

16th Nov 2010, 12:10pm

The 2010 junior leaders have been announced.  These young men will take on a range of responsibilities over the next four weeks to support the school, staff and their peers.  The junior leaders have made a commitment to help with services normally performed by the prefects at HBHS, including manning the SAFE room, helping with litter duty and setting a high standard of dress and conduct for the remaining Year 9 and 10 boys.  We thank them for their commitment to the school, and hope that this leadership experience will serve them well.


Josh Barkle
Blake Bolli


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HBHS Junior NZ Softball Champions

8th Dec 2010, 12:07pm

Hamilton Boys’ High School recently won the Junior National Secondary Schools Softball competion for the second year in a row. Master-in-charge of softball, Mr Paul Nixon, commented on the team’s victory:
How has the team performed this year?
We have just had a brilliant tournament. The team have been led superbly by their coach Cowley Harris, and assisted by Peter Joseph.

At the beginning of the year we held a muster that attracted around thirty

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HBHS Junior Waterpolo Team wins Waikato Championships

12th Nov 2013, 10:06am

Congratulations to the HBHS Junior A Waterpolo team, who last night became HBHS's latest Waikato Champions.  The team beat Cambridge High School in the finals of the Waikato Junior Competition 12 - 9 in an absolute nail biter, with the scores tied at half time 7 all.  Player of the Tournament was Year 10 student Baxter Gordon.  The team now head to Auckland to play in the North Island Secondary Schools Championships on the 28th of November.  We wish them every success and congratulate them once more on their fine win last night.

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HBHS Kapa Haka

26th Jul 2010, 2:12pm


Kapa HakaHamilton Boys’ High School Kapa Haka group is one of three groups representing Tainui in the National Competitions being held this week. They have had eleven wananga (intensive live-in rehearsal and training sessions) to date this year in preparation for the competition, and will perform on Wednesday at 1.00pm in Rotorua. Competition is fierce – HBHS will be up against 39 other schools. We placed in the top three during the regional competition at the end of last year, so started building towards this meeting before Christmas.
The focus during preparation has been on developing one group with one sound, and cultivating a mature vocal style amongst what is a relatively young team. HBHS Kapa Haka has been asked to perform for the Maori King during coronation celebrations next month, which is an excellent opportunity for the group to gain more stage experience. The boys will also be performing at the Hauraki Festival, with a wide range of secondary and primary groups.
We wish them all the best, and will keep you posted about their progress.
Kia Kaha!


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HBHS Kapa Haka Excels at Te Reo

4th Aug 2010, 8:53am

The HBHS/HGHS Kapa Haka group secured a 3rd placing in the Te Reo section of  the National Kapa Haka Competition held last week in Rotorua.  This is a phenomenal achievement, as the competition included state, bi-lingual and total immersion schools.

Whaea Barton (Maori Dean, Lead Kapa Haka Tutor) explained that the judges hold Doctorates in Language.  They evaluated the quality of the scripts that each team provides before the competition, and then considered the diction and pronunciation of the competitors.

We congratulate the competitors, their tutors and their support team on this wonderful achievement.


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HBHS Music Fiji Tour

19th Jul 2010, 2:35pm

Interview with Daniel Peters

We left on the last Wednesday of the second term; thirty five people went on the trip – 26 students and 9 adults.  We flew into Nadi, and stayed at the Hexagon Hotel.  We played the next day at Nadi College, which is the state high school.  That was awesome.  Selu Fotu attracted many screaming girls.  That evening we performed in the Sheraton Hotel Ballroom, which was the flashest place there.  That was with the International College: we performed with the College and the International College that day.

We had a four and a half hour ferry trip on the Yasawa Flier out to the top of the Yasawa chain of islands.  We stayed for two nights, performing on the second night. We went from there to some amazing limestone caves where the swimming was particularly good.  The acoustics were great, so the choir boys sounded amazing when they sang down there. We did lots of snorkeling, and saw lots of fish.

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