School News
B.O.T. Profile: Mr Jason Rogers
B.O.T. Profile: Paul Pointon
Band Cameo on Shortland Street
Sharp-eyed viewers of Friday’s Shortland Street episode will have noted the understated and tasteful presence of dedicated HBHS staff. The plot line of this week’s episodes required an Oktoberfest celebration. Like Ghostbusters, The Stein Band has become the team to call under such circumstances. This entertaining ensemble is made up from assorted Arts and Music Faculty members, plus the student Captain of Music, who charmed the punters with lederhosen and oompah. Cinematic evidence would suggest that a good time was had by all.
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On the weekend of the 24 - 26th February, 30 boys in the HBHS Jazz Band and Gypsy Pickers ventured to Raglan for the annual Boys' High Band Camp. Staying at a new venue, the boys worked hard practicing for our upcoming Rarotonga Tour, which will take place in early July. By the end of the weekend, with over 15 hours of music practice under our belts, the two music groups were starting to sound like proper ensembles. The weekend was great fun - everyone enjoyed themselves and learnt heaps. Special thanks to Mr Botting, Mr Rickard, Mr Skandera, Mr West and Mr Booth for organising and running the camp.
Oliver Wilding (Year 12)
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Basketball Success Continues
HBHS Basketball coach Doug Courtney reported back on the progress of the Senior Basketball team during the recent season.
We went to the regional competition to qualify for the Nationals. We have placed sixth in New Zealand during 2011. The regional competition has been compressed because of the Rugby World Cup, so we knew our National results before we finished playing our regional games this year. The build up to the games was relatively easy, given the talent and experience in this year's team, but the games themselves were relatively hard.
St John's provides us with the strongest competition in the Waikato. We play them on a regular basis. There were two neat things about the recent final: we got to play St John's, and we got to do it in the Claudelands Events Centre. That was the first basketball game ever to be played on that court.
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