
B.O.T. Profile: Mr Jason Rogers

Mr Rogers completed his secondary schooling at Church College, and is currently studying part-time towards a PhD in strategic management. He works at Hamilton City Council, enjoys his family life, and has chosen to share his skills with the wider community by serving on the HBHS Board of Trustees.
How did you become involved with the Board?
Marijke Westphal is a lady I look up to, because of her good sense and her professional experience. She phoned me one day and suggested that I attend a Board meeting at Boys’ High. My oldest son was in Year 10 at that stage, and I hadn’t thought about this kind of involvement with the school before. Marijke assured me that I had something to offer in terms of my background, so I came along. I haven’t had a lot of experience in governance, but I really enjoyed that first meeting. It was great to have an opportunity to listen to people like David [Blanchett, BOT Chairperson], Sue [Hassall, Headmaster] and Peter Jefferies, who were so passionate about the school and it’s potential. It was also really interesting to see the inner workings of this very large operation. I have observed HBHS from the outside, and had seen the achievements and the care of the boys. Seeing how the governance supports these things in terms of the school curriculum and other areas rounded out the picture for me. I realised that I wanted to be a part of that.
One thing led to another, and I was co-opted onto the Board. I stood for election recently, and was fortunate enough to be selected for this role. I’m passionate about this – I think I’m helping to contribute to something tangible, as well as to the boys’ well being. When I serve on the Works Committee, we are helping to develop the buildings and grounds so that they not only perform all of the functions that we require, but that they also show the level of care that is being put into this school. The scale and finish of the new gymnasium is a really good example of this.
Do you have any advice for people considering becoming involved with the Board?
I’d say to them that I know that life is busy –but if you have an inkling to help out on the Board of Trustees, or you think that you wouldn’t mind getting involved in the Parents’ Association or another facet of the school, I’d recommend doing it. It is very rewarding to see that the effort you make has a meaningful effect on the quality of the boys’ lives from day to day. I see the impact of our work any time that I come through the school, when I see the physical plant – the buildings and grounds – and the way that the boys conduct themselves. Do it – it’s worth the time that you put into it.
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