
School News

House Singing 2013

24th Sep 2013, 11:10am

The HBHS gym was alive with the sound of music this morning, as for the third time this term the entire school assembled in Gym 1.  This time, however, house points were on the line as each House took their turn to sing their test song first, followed by "Now is the Hour".  Steel House, as always, were randomly drawn first and began the competition, coping well with having to lead off.  Argyle followed and proved that small can be powerful.  Tait did well, Baigent and Wilson had some timing issues, and finally Taylor finished powerfully with a potentially tricky song in "Danny Boy".  While the judges deliberated, the school was treated to two brilliant performances by the LDS Choir and the HBHS Choir, who absolutely showed the school how it could and should be done.  The final results are (article cont)

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House Singing and Competition Update

27th Sep 2012, 7:59am

Congratulations to Taylor House for winning the House Singing competition yesterday, and to Mr Sutherland, Mr Botting for organising the event. Service House points will be available Week 1 Term 4, and Touch is the final event of 2012 commencing Week 2 Term 4.


1. Singing (Major Event)

























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Howell to Represent NZ in South Africa

21st Sep 2012, 1:30pm

HBHS Year 10 student Rory Howell will leave New Zealand for the first time next week, to play for the NZ U14 Indoor Cricket team competing in the World Series. Rory commented on his trip:

The coach hasn't allocated specific positions to us yet, but I was recently selected and I'm looking at a third line sort of position. Recently, I've been playing club-level indoor cricket and receiving coaching. I currently play of the Waikato U19 team. The tournament performance that got me selected was during last holidays, so I've been working pretty solidly since then.

Some of the obvious differences between indoor and outdoor cricket have to do with the scoring and the nets. In indoor cricket, the nets confine the playing area and dictate the scores: you get bonus runs for each zone that you hit the ball into, as well as the runs you achieve on the ground.

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Important notice for all students who travel to school via Te Aroha Street

18th Apr 2013, 12:54pm

From Monday 22 April for four weeks, a short section of Te Aroha St where it meets Peachgrove Rd will be closed. During this time there will be a detour in place via Bond St and Bains Ave (see attached map).

Traffic will still be able to travel along Peachgrove Rd and access Ruakura Rd, as well as turning from Ruakura Rd on to Peachgrove Rd. Pedestrian and cycle access across Te Aroha St will be maintained throughout.

The closure to this key city intersection as part of the Ring Road project will allow road strengthening work to take place so the intersection can withstand future traffic volumes. The work is being done under a road closure rather than stop/go traffic control because of the restricted area, and it will also mean it can be done more quickly.  (cont)





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Important reminder - Board of Trustee Elections

28th May 2013, 12:39pm

Remember to vote in the upcoming Board of Trustee elections - your vote is important.  Voting closes Thursday 30 May at 12 noon.  Drop your voting form into the School Office or post on Thursday.

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In-line Hockey Update

5th Jul 2013, 7:29pm

Last night, the HBHS Noodles Squad took 3rd place in the Division 1 In-line Hockey competition, and the HBHS Snipers took 3rd place in Division 2.  We would like to wish Calvin Hill, Jeremy Hamilton-Horne, Billy Peters and Billy Graham every success as they head off to Los Angeles this weekend to represent New Zealand at the World Championships, and we thank Ms Nicola Kueh for her continued support of HBHS In-line Hockey.  

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