
School News

Staff win Junior Leaders Match 3 - 2

16th Nov 2010, 2:24pm

Mr Kirkham provided a spirited commentary on the quality of the Staff vs Junior Leaders touch game held in the front field this lunch time.  The game drew a large crowd, and provided boys with some light entertainment before they returned to their studies.

'I was a bit concerned about the quality of the referees we had; there seemed to be a certain amount of tragic visual impairment  - especially around the second time the students scored. It should have been 3 - 1, but we're happy with the win.  It was a great all round game, with a last minute try to our flier (and diving spectacle) Mr Gage-Brown.  The great exponent Mr Hotham used his quick hands for good effect, and although Mr Carnegie had a slight twinge in his hamstring from trying to outrun the boys' prop, he managed to soldier on.  We are looking forward to a rematch next week.  See you there.'


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Stage Challenge

20th Jun 2012, 2:39pm

On the 7th June, Hamilton Boys’ High School Year 10 drama class travelled to Founders Theatre to compete in the Waikato Stage Challenge Competition.  The drama group had been rehearsing since the start of Term 2. 

After some difficulties along the way, the boys finally arrived and saw the other schools rehearsing.  We were quickly certain that we did not stand a chance.  However, after three run-throughs on stage, we felt pumped and ready to compete later that evening.  Being drawn to perform fourth, the group’s story of a rejected boy in school who finds acceptance and rejection amongst his peers would be a refreshing change to the other acts that night. 

After an all-out performance Boys’ High came away with three awards; Excellence in Concept, Costuming Character, Drama, and a trophy for participation, with the Hamilton News calling it “a deep and imposing performance.”

We would like to express a big thank you to Mr Leach and Ms Varma for their support on the day.

Morgan Hopkins (Year 10)

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Starlight Ball 2012

26th Jun 2012, 10:38am

On June 16th the Wintec Atrium came alight with the glitz and glamour that only ball season can bring.

400 boys and their partners enjoyed the night in the gold and silver star-filled room, dancing to the music of BANGLA$H and grazing on the food provided by Kerr and Ladbrook Catering.

Special thanks to Sam Moxham and Freedom Christian Church for providing lighting, One2One Photography, Mr Botting and Mr Galbraith for th sound system organisation, Neeraj Khatri for being an amazing host and finally to al of the prefects and teachers for their preparation and assistance on the night.

Congratulations also to Karaitiana Hohaia and Tahlia Crabtree for winning Best Dressed and David Robinson and Jessica Sunderland-Wells for winning Mr and Mrs Starlight.

Hamish Annan


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Stop Press - HBHS Win Premiership for 12th Time

16th Aug 2012, 7:55am

Hamilton Boys' High School 1st XI football team have won the Waikato Premiership for the 12th year running. The team beat rivals St Paul's on the weekend to cement their position as overall champions of the competition.  The 1st XI are coached by Paul Nixon, and managed by Stuart Hakeney.  HBHS have been able to field over 30 football teams this year, and have a presence right across the spectrum of Waikato football.

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Stop Press: Chiefs Under 18s beat South Island

27th Jul 2011, 12:19pm

 Six HBHS students have been selected to the Chiefs Under 18 team in 2011.  The boys are from left to right:  Kane Jacobson, Joe Walsh, Jacob Skeen, Regan Ware, Joe Webber and Cameron Moorby. The Chiefs Under 18s have just beaten the team from the South Island 21-6, in a tournament being held at St Pauls’.  They now play the final against the Blues on Thursday, as the Blues beat the Hurricanes today 29-28.

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Stop Press: Geography Olympiad Results

27th Aug 2012, 11:55am

Just a quick email from Cologne to let you know that we have received some fantastic news for our students:

Scott Cameron and Brent Coleman - Silver 

Overall we came 4th out of 32 countries

We also won the poster competition which was voted on by the students.  Attached right is a photo of the team. 

A further press release will come tomorrow.

Anna Wilson
Wellington East Girls' College

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