
School News

HBHS 3rd XV win Ian Foster Shield!

17th Aug 2013, 4:07pm

In an absolute nail-biter, urged on by their fellow rugby players and supporters, the HBHS 3rd XV have beaten Cambridge High School 1st XV 5 - 3 to win the Ian Foster Shield, the Tricolor Trophy, and be crowned Waikato Division 1 1st XV champions.  HBHS's only points came from a Matt Lansdown try on the wing in the first half, and the team, courtesy of some brilliant defensive work, kept Cambridge High School away from their line despite some determined attacking.  The team would like to thank all of the supporters who turned out to cheer them on, and thanks to the Waikato Times for their coverage of this match.  A detailed report will feature in the Term 3 High Achiever.


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HBHS Acknowledgements in Parliament

27th Aug 2012, 12:01pm

Waikato MPs Tim MacIndoe and Sue Moroney  moved Notices of Motion in Parliament on 16 August and 21 August to acknowledge the achievements of debators Thomas Simpson and Christopher Jury, and athlete Jacob Phillips.

 The Order Paper for Wednesday 22 August 2012, sitting hours 2 pm to 6 pm and 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm shows in Government Orders of the Day:

12: SUE MORONEY to move, That the House congratulate the Waikato debating team of Christopher Jury, Thomas Simpson and Kayla grant, for winning the Russell McVeagh New Zealand School's Debating Champs and congratulate Thomas Simpson, of Hamilton Boys' High School, who was named the tournament's best speaker for the second year in a row. (Lodged 16 August 2012)

14: TIM MCINDOE to move, That this House congratulate the Waikato team of Christopher Jury, Thomas Simpson and Kayla Grant, for winning the Russell McVeagh New Zealand Secondary Schools' Debating championships this month, noting that it is Waikato's second successive victory in the competition, and further noting that Thomas Simpson was again named as the tournament's best speaker and selected for the Russell McVeagh New Zealand Schools' Debating Team that will represent New Zealand at the World Schools' Debating Tournament in Turkey in February 2012. (Lodged 16 August 2012)


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HBHS answers call for blood

8th Mar 2013, 12:21pm

When the call came from the New Zealand Blood Service that supplies were running low, the HBHS Service Committee stepped up, and organised their first activity for the year.  Students over the age of 15 were notified throughout the week that they could make an appointment and come to the Hall on Friday morning to donate blood, and Leader of the Service Committee, Deputy Head Prefect Oliver Wilding, was pleased with the response.  Oliver (pictured second from right, with fellow prefects and donors Isaac Nicholson and Peter Kwon), who led by example and was one of the first students to donate blood, estimated that at least 80 boys had already been through, and there were still a number of willing donors lining up for a bed at midday.  Post-donation candidates were quick to say that it didn't hurt at all, they felt fine, and they would encourage people to take half an hour out of their day and give to this organisation that provides such an essential service.

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HBHS Anzac Day Commemorations

24th Apr 2012, 5:31pm

Hamilton Boys’ High School observed Anzac Day today with an outdoor assembly and formal service.  The assembly was attended by staff, the senior school, cadets, Old Boys who have served or who are serving in the armed forces, and friends of the school.  Lieutenant Commander Karl Gill, an HBHS Old Boy, spoke of the significance of Anzac Day to him.

As an Old Boy of this school, I remember sitting where you now sit, looking upon our teachers and the Headmaster at assembly and wondering what I would do in years to come.  I had good friends, had an idea of my interests and hobbies, and was yet to really establish a plan for my future.  I then joined the Royal New Zealand Navy, and 18 years later, I still have those good friends I met at this school, and many more, and the plan for my future continues to unfold.

Only this time last year, I was asked to lead a small New Zealand Defence Force team of 16 soldiers, sailors and airmen to Turkey to attend the Gallipoli commemorations for the 94th anniversary.  I never thought I would have the opportunity, as I was not aware of any direct family link to the Gallipoli campaign. Regardless, I went home and told my wife, and she asked ‘can I come?’ While I went through the planning and co-ordination for the event, I was made aware through NZ Veteran’s Affairs that they had dug up records that clearly showed my great grandfather had served in the Dardanelles and the Gallipoli Campaign.  He did not have a great promotion track record as only three days after being promoted to Lance Corporal in 1915, he was reduced in rank back to Private – reasons unknown.  He received an injury to his head from shrapnel during the campaign however, and returned back to fight next to his fellow soldiers only eight days later.  He survived the war and died of natural causes, but never told his story to any family member.  His medals were lost in his memory.  This is a situation that I have found is not uncommon in veterans from the Great Wars.  I passed my great grandfather’s military records to my grandmother and she was extremely appreciative to receive information that she had never known about her father and his involvement in the war.

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HBHS athletes dominant at Central Zones

6th Mar 2013, 9:11am

The HBHS Athletics team had one of their best ever days at the Central Zone Athletics Championships, held in ideal conditions at Porritt Stadium yesterday.  The team of 70 boys came away with 20 gold placings, 15 silver and 17 bronze.  This puts them in strong contention for the Tylden Trophy, which is awarded to the best performed secondary school in this competition.  Confirmation of this award will be announced within the next few days, and congratulations must go to the staff and students of HBHS who were responsible for the smooth running of the day.

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HBHS Athletes run away with medals at Central Zones

6th Mar 2014, 9:37am

On Tuesday 4 March, HBHS sent a seventy-strong team down to Porritt Stadium in Hamilton for the Central Zones Athletics Competition, to compete against other secondary schools in the Waikato area. The team came away with 47 medals, 21 of which were gold, along with 13 silver medals and 13 bronze medals. Two athletes set records on the day, Sam Montgomerie, who beat the Junior Boys 3000m time by 7 seconds, and Christopher Goodwin, who set a new record in the Intermediate Boys High Jump by 1cm. HBHS rounded off the day by emphatically winning all three of the 4 x 100m relay events, coming in at least 50 metres ahead of their nearest rivals. Congratulations to all of these athletes on their fine results and we will follow them as the season progresses. Thanks also to the Teachers in Charge of Athletics, Mr Paul Ardern and Mrs Tonia Heeps, for their support of HBHS Athletics.

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