
School News

Code of Conduct for all supporters of HBHS sport

10th May 2013, 2:46pm



All supporters of HBHS teams should consider the following:

• Sport is about having a positive attitude. You can assist in setting a positive tone and help to make sport an enjoyable experience

• Encourage your son, and other boys in his team, in their efforts in the sporting arena.

• Insist that your son plays within the rules of the game and by the principles of Fairplay, irrespective of the manner in which the opposition may play the game.

• Being part of a team is a commitment; assist your son to live up to his commitments. Do not accept your son letting his team mates and coaches down.  (Cont)

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Codi Merito World No 8, NZ No 1 in BMX

7th Jun 2012, 9:30am

This article was written by Kashka Tunstall and published in the Waikato Times today:

When Codi Merito stepped out on to the track at the national BMX championships in April, he knew it was do or die time.

The 15-year-old needed to secure a win in his age group if he wanted to make the New Zealand BMX team to travel to England to compete in the World BMX Championships after a nasty fall last year threatened his chances.

Normally points are accumulated over two years of competition but Codi wasn't able to compete at nationals last year after a crash in practice in the two weeks leading up to the competition saw him hospitalised with a broken collarbone.

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College Herald Writers Win Editor's Choice

3rd Nov 2011, 11:01am

We have been submitting work to the College Herald as usual. This year, our students won four out of the twenty Editor’s Choice prizes.   Mrs Redpath went to the prize giving ceremony in the Safari Room at the Civic in Auckland yesterday with Leon Arcus, Aidan Clarkin – Rush and Devon Mace (all from 911). Unfortunately, Christopher Mo (Year 11) couldn’t attend because of his exam commitments. The hosts were Brad and Marty from the Nightshow at the Edge and the prizes were presented by Shelley Campbell, who is the CEO of The Peter Blake Trust, as well as Sam Pilisi (School Liasion, Unitec). The students also had an opportunity to hear David Hastings, Deputy Editor of the Herald, speak about journalism.

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Colts Cricketers go for Nationals

6th Mar 2013, 9:26am

The HBHS Colts cricket team will find out today whether they are off to the New Zealand National Junior Cricket finals, as they take on Whangarei Boys' High School today on the HBHS front field.  The ground is, unsurprisingly, dry and hard, and conditions are overcast.  Scores will be posted and updated as they come to hand.

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Colts Football team win Hillsdene Trophy

26th Jun 2013, 9:23am

The HBHS Colts Football team have won the Hillsdene Trophy at the Junior Invitational Football Tournament held in Tauranga over the past 3 days. The tournament began on Sunday with the HBHS team winning both games, and they followed this up on Monday with 3 good wins and no goals conceded during preliminary rounds. The team won through to the finals by beating the Kapiti Coast team and faced off against old rivals New Plymouth Boys' High School. The final score was a 3 - 0 win to HBHS. Congratulations to the team on this achievement and congratulations and thanks to team coach Mr Tony McIsaac, and teacher support Mr Jason Maclean.

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Computer Science Scholarship Winners

27th Nov 2013, 3:25pm

Congratulations to Year 13 student Ryan Gilbert (pictured, right) on being awarded a $5000 scholarship to the University of Waikato, for his efforts in the Waikato University Computer Science Scholarship examination.  Congratulations also to Year 12 students Logan Krippner and Mitchell Davies, and Year 13 student Cameron Paddy who gained Merit passes in the same examination.  A Merit pass means: "At the discretion of the Chairperson of the Computer Science Department, students who obtain a high pass mark in the scholarship examination will be offered a more advanced programme of study at Waikato University."

The students had to sit a two hour theory examination on a Friday, followed by a six hour practical programming and problem solving examination on the Saturday.  Congratulations to these students on their efforts, and thanks and congratulations to the Head of the Technology Faculty, Mr Simon Devitt

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