20\12 club
A regular giving program where Old Boys donate $20 each month and enjoy the benefits of supporting the scholarship and endowment funds as well as being part of the wider community of HBHS Foundation Donors. 20\12 club members will enjoy the benefits of special invitation to events and activities as well as discounts on entry to HBHS Foundation events like the HBHS Foundation Luncheon and Lodge HBHS Foundation Golf Day. But more importantly, you will be part of a group of people making a small contribution that has a huge impact on the men of HBHS now and into the future.
Join the 20\12 Club here by making a monthly donation of $20 or more
2018 Leavers Appeal
Investment now will make certain that
the School continues to flourish,
grow and reach its lofty goals.
We hope all Leavers' will consider thanking the school for its commitment by paying it forward for the next generation and assisting the school to look after the boys of the future. Clicking on the link below will take you directly to the donation form, any amount will make a big difference in the life and success of the school.
Make a donation to the 2018 Leavers appeal here