
Year 9 High Achievers

Christopher Mayo and Matthew Handford (left, in picture) both achieved average examination results in the high nineties during the recent assessment round.  They were asked to comment on the nature of their academic progress:

Where did you go to school before Hamilton Boys’ High School?

Christopher Mayo: I went to Rototuna Primary, then Te Totara in Year 6.  They gave me the opportunity to study Correspondence School Year 9 Science and Year 10 Maths.  I stopped Science in Year 7, but was able to continue with NCEA Level 1 Maths, separate from the normal class programme.  I finished Correspondence in Year 8, and started NCEA Level 1 properly this year at Hamilton Boys’ High School.  I’m doing Maths, Science at Level 1, English and Social Studies with the rest of my class, as well as Drama and Latin.  I’ve got Arts Academy coming up, and I’m looking forward to IT and Economics as well.

I enjoy Maths, particularly Algebra.  I like Science and I’ve enjoyed Latin.  I study before tests, but I don’t study a lot just after I’ve learnt something.  I don’t do that much homework.  I do karate and I’m grade 6 keyboard; I study at the University on Saturday mornings.  I don’t do co-curriculars as such through the school.

My hobbies include the study of astronomy, quantum physics, game design and programming.  Long term I would like to do something scientific or to work in medicine.

Matthew Handford: I started off at Hamilton West School.  I got involved in interesting projects and had some very good teachers.  After that, I went to Peachgrove Intermediate.  I went through the GATE class there, like Christopher.  I had a very good teacher in Year 8, and then I came here.

I’m making a lot of progress here.  I’m studying 911 English, Maths, Social Studies and Science.  My other subjects include Latin, Economics and I’m working on the 100 Famous Old Boys project for Mr Robinson.  I do a reasonable amount of study in my own time.

I have done rowing and debating with the school.  I swim competitively.  I play the piano and I’m involved in the Boys’ High/Girls’ High Productions.

Long term, law and politics interest me.

We congratulate these boys on their achievements to date and look forward to seeing them go from strength to strength at HBHS.

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