
Thomas Bedford creates Top Art

HBHS Old Boy Thomas Bedford has had his Level 3 Printmaking Folio selected for the NZQA Top Art Exhibition, marking him as one of the best secondary school artists of 2015.  This honour is reserved for students who have achieved at Excellence level, and the work is chosen by the Chief of the NZQA Marking Panel to exemplify best practice.  This exhibition will tour New Zealand and will be at the WINTEC Media Arts Department from August 8 - 12 this year.  Alternatively you can check out Thomas's stunning pieces of work by clicking on the following link:;dA6Dfew8~;h3EQLfe4ZGMCeD0BAS.bps.a.978944192187547.1073741855.433677073380931/981180378630595/?type=3&theater

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