
Scott Creighton - Seventh in Junior World Cycling

Yesterday I had my last race: the Individual Pursuit. Fraser Gough and I were the two New Zealand riders entered in the event. Of the two of us, I was to race first. I woke up feeling fresh and ready to race. However, it wasn’t the best of days. It was raining and cold, so it was going to be slow day on the track because the air is denser with weather like this. I was still going to ride to my schedule of 3.20 and hope I didn’t blow up.

I had a good warm up and was ready to go. I started off on -chedule and was holding it until I had onekm to go.  At that point I started to go into 22 second laps, but went as deep as I could on the last lap, doing a time of 3.22s and finishing seventh in the world. It was not the time I wanted to do, but I was till stoked that I broke my Personal Best record by three seconds. Only one person went under 3.20s with a time of 3.19s, and the others that beat me all did 3.21s and 3.22s. My team mate Fraser Gough came in a second after me, doing a 3.23 and finished ninth.

So the Worlds are now over and I start my journey back to New Zealand tomorrow. I will enjoy a good break off the bike before I start training for the next race.

It’s been an amazing experience both on and off the bike that I’ll never forget.  I have learnt a lot.

Thank you very much too all the people that helped me along the way.  It’s much appreciated.



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