
Recent Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Finn Jefferson-Cope (Year 13) and Dabin Paek (Year 13) both received their Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards at a ceremony on May 19, attended by both the Mayor, Julie Hardaker, and MP Tim McIndoe (pictured).

What is the Duke of Edinburgh Award?
This is a voluntary, non competitive programme of leisure activities for those aged 14 - 25, designed to offer a personal and individual challenge.
It introduces young people to exciting, positive, challenging and enjoyable things to do in their free time. It encourages friendships amongst those taking part, and across the generations with adults who give up time to share skills and help organise the programme.
How does it work?
Through a four section programme with three levels
The levels are:
  • Bronze - open to all aged 14 and over and lasting at least 6 months
  • Silver - open to all aged 15 and over and lasting at least 12 months
  • Gold - open to all aged 16 and over and lasting at least 18 months
The sections are:
  • Service- giving help in the local community
  • Skills- covering almost any non physical hobby, skill or interest
  • Adventurous Journey - training for, practising, planning and completing a journey on foot, horseback or by boat or cycle
  • Physical Recreation- sport, dance and fitness
  • Residential Project- for the Gold level only - spending 5 or more days on a purposeful project with new companions
There are four sections that need to be completed at each level (with an extra requirement at Gold level). As you move through the levels a higher degree of commitment is required, but you can choose your own activities for each section and complete the requirements with things that you enjoy doing!
The hours and months required for each section are minimums and we encourage you to go over and above this to get the most out of the programme for yourself. You can tackle each section one at a time or do them all at's all up to you!
Select an Award section you are interested in finding out more about from the list below:
Physical Recreation
3 Months
3 Months
3 Months
Plus a further 3 months in either Service, Skill or Physical Recreation
At least 15 hours spread over the 3 Months
At least 30 hours spread over the 6 Months
At least one hour per week for the number of months chosen
At least one hour per week for the number of months chosen


Bronze Award Holder
Physical Recreation
Two of these Sections for 6 months
One Section for 4 months
If you would like more information about the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, or would like to contact someone in your local area to become involved, go to for more information.
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