
Nick Vincent, Library Manager

Hamilton Boys’ High School appointed a new library manager at the beginning of 2012.  Mr Nick Vincent commented on his experiences to date:

I understand you’ve worked in outside the school system...

I’ve worked in public libraries; that’s where I have got my training.  My experiences have been in public libraries.  I started working in Auckland, then moved on to Hamilton, and then took a position at Matamata as the library manager there. 

What are the specific strengths that you bring to this position?

I have research skills – I’m keen to support staff and students who use databases and the books in the library to find information. I’m very strong on collection management and getting the right books for the audience.

What would you say characterises a teen male reader?

The teen male reader often tends to enjoy adventure fiction, action, World War II books, vehicles, outdoors and non-fiction adventure.

How do you select new books?

We get new books pretty much all of the year around.  Myself and Toni [Koning, teacher librarian] will go to Whitcoulls and PaperPlus to cater for the audience and pick up new releases that would fit the profile of our readers. 

If there’s a student who is very keen to read a book, but can’t find the title on the shelves, what should he do?

He should come to me.  I will write down the name of the book and go through our suppliers to get a copy as soon as possible.

You’ve been our library manager now for eight weeks; what has been the most satisfying aspect of this job to date?

Seeing students taking the books that I’ve selected, reading them and coming back with an enthusiasm for those books.  Doing the exercises that introduce each class to the library has been good – seeing students engaged in the way the library works is very pleasing.

What’s your vision for HBHS library?

I would like to see more classes like this Year 9 group doing activities here, and see more students self-directing their learning by using the resources here.

I would like to acknowledge the support of the other library staff since my arrival.  Everyone has worked really hard to get ready for the new school year.  Lynette Spitzer and Amellia Kapa have both worked through this busy period pretty much full time, and have been very, very enthusiastic and helpful.  I’m looking forward to working with the entire school community.  Toni Koning has been instrumental in helping me to learn about the systems and expectations here.  It’s been a great start.

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