
Jesse Reynolds completes State Epic Swim

NZ Paralympic champion and HBHS student Jesse Reynolds recently completed a very cold, gutsy five kilometre race in the Lake Taupo State Epic Swim.  He placed 7th in the 13 - 15 age group with a time of one hour and sixteen minutes.  Thirty percent of his peers pulled out as the race progressed, so it is proof of Jesse's mettle as a long distance swimmer that he completed his first open water race with such aplomb.  Jesse spent a week training in Taupo prior to the race, and was met by the Aqua Blacks - New Zealand's Olympic Swimming Team - many of whom have been following Jesse's exploits with interest.

In November Jesse won seven gold medals at the Paralymipcs New Zealand National Championships, and in 2009 won a bronze medal in the 100m backstroke at the Paralympic Youth Games in Melbourne.  His main goal is to qualify for the 2016 Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro, for which he trains up to 16 hours a week, on top of a full study load and extra events like the Epic. 

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