
Headmaster Honoured for Excellence in Leadership

HBHS Headmaster Susan Hassall was the surprise recipient of a national award for leadership during Senior Prize Giving on Tuesday.  Mrs Hassall was awarded a Cognition Education National Award for Excellence in Leadership, administered by NEiTA for her outstanding leadership of HBHS.  All national awardees receive the prestigious NEiTA trophy, a crystal apple ‘specially crafted as the symbol of the nation’s gratitude’ and a professional development grant or fellowship of either $5,000 or $2,500 sponsored by Cognition Education.

The NEiTA Foundation was established in 1994 as a non-profit corporation to promote excellence in teaching. The Foundation manages the ASG National Excellence in Teaching Awards in Australia, and the NEiTA Foundation Excellence in Teaching and Leadership Awards in New Zealand.


The aims of the Foundation are to:

  1. Recognise teachers and leaders who represent excellence within their profession through their contribution to the advancement of education at a local, regional or systems level.
  2. Promote recognition of early childhood education and the significant contribution of early learning to the development of confident lifelong learners.
  3. Encourage interaction between schools, early childhood education services, and their local communities.
  4. Raise community confidence in the teaching profession.
  5. Encourage and support increased professional development of early childhood, primary, intermediate and secondary teachers and leaders.
  6. Facilitate networking of teachers and leaders, and the interchange of information about successful methods and strategies.
  7. Make grants and award prizes to teachers and leaders who have demonstrated a particularly high level of dedication and professional excellence.
  8. Advocate, on behalf of teachers and the community, government recognition of excellence in teaching and leadership.



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