
Headmaster's Christmas Message


Dear Parents,
As we reach the end of the 2010 school year, we can take a moment to look back and reflect upon the time we have shared, and to feel a genuine sense of gratitude for the wonderful experiences which the year has brought us.
It has been another special year, and as I have attended the celebrations of Term 4, culminating in our recent Senior Prize giving, I have, once again, been in awe of the talents and achievements of so many, in so many areas of school life. We have a great deal to be proud of, and much to look forward to, as we prepare to build upon our many successes through the year ahead.
And it is not only our successes which bring pride and satisfaction; it is the truths and verities which we accept as a school which sets us apart. At the Senior Prize giving I spoke about one of our key goals – to ensure that every young man is happy, fulfilled, and enriched by his time with us. Happiness in the true sense of the word brings the understanding that it does not come from feeling good, but from ‘knowing’ good and ‘doing good’ – recognizing St Benedict’s truth that’ the purpose of life, is a life of purpose’.
A key feature of our year in 2010 has been the commitment of our Senior school to service – with the awareness that true service comes through love and care, through giving of the self, through ‘doing good’, rather than ‘feeling good’. The Senior school has given our community a gift this year – the gift of their example, and it is of this which we must feel proud. I take this opportunity as we end the year, to thank everyone who has helped us to ‘be happy’ together in the best sense of the word, for it is this which is our true success in 2010.
I wish each of you a blessed, joy-filled Christmas, and a happy holiday together. To those leaving, we wish you well in your future. To the school of 2011, I look forward to sharing the year ahead with you all.
Susan Hassall
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