
HBHS Shakespearean Actors win awards at National Festival

Over Queen's Birthday Weekend a group of actors, led by Mrs Charlotte Jenkins and Mr Dwight Ashton, headed to Wellington in order to perform in the National Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival.  The group impressed the judges with their inventive and imaginative staging along with their sophisticated and mature treatment of a 15 minute scene from Shakespeare's most violent play "Titus Andronicus".  The group were commended for their interpretation, which avoided being gratuitous without losing the shock and power of the challenging material.  The group won four awards, Outstanding Imagination and Commitment to the Text, Outstanding Make Up, Most Imaginative and Innovative Production and Most Thought-Provoking Performance.  We congratulate the boys once again on shining on the National Stage, and we look forward to profiling their performance in the upcoming High Achiever newsletter.  Congratulations also to Mrs Jenkins and Mr Ashton for their hours of commitment in rehearsals and their dramatic vision, and congratulations also to Ms Jamieson Hudson and Mrs Mala Varma for their visual design and make-up expertise.


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