
HBHS Gully Project

The HBHS Gully Restoration Group is a student-run initiative with the help of John Lockley from the University of Waikato.  Our aim is to restore the Gibbons Creek Gully on HBHS property to its natural state and provide an interesting learning environment for a number of curriculum areas. Over the last few years, a group of environmentally-minded students have been co-ordinating planting and clean up days with wider community involvement to improve the gully environment.

On Saturday 31st March around 16 people, students, parents and teachers came for the morning to help clear vegetation from around trees that had been planted last year, especially in the area behind the pond. It was hard work, but still lots of fun and rewarding to see previous year's plantings growing.

The Horticulture Department has propagated numerous plants for our use. This year we also  look forward to working with law firm, Stace Hammond, who as part of their 100 year celebrations are getting on board the project by donating large native trees. We are always looking out for new members to get involved and service credits are available.

Scott Cameron

HBHS Service Committee

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