
HBHS 1st XI Hockey Australia Tour

A safe landing was a great way to start our adventure in Australia.

Minor delays with the van company meant that we arrived late at night at the Panorama Towers in the heart of Surfer’s Paradise. A good night’s sleep allowed us to arrive refreshed for the game the next day. In the morning, we made a one hour drive to Brisbane State Hockey Centre to play against Bulimba Club (15 -17yrs). Although some of the newer members were nervous, the team quickly came together and became a force to be reckoned with.  It was apparent from the outset that we were the far superior team. An outstanding performance by Alex Wood scoring an amazing hat trick was a highlight of the game. Playing in 31ºC heat, with a final score of 11-0, our team was pleased to come out of our first game with a win.

Sunday was our day off, so we ventured to Carrumbin Wildlife Sanctuary where we saw some amazing things, from free-roaming lizards to a frog hitching a ride on a snake’s back, and of course koalas and kangaroos. Hosted by the Sanctuary, we then gorged on a lovely cooked meal. We crammed back into the vans and headed back to the Towers, where we made full use of the private pool. Realising that it was only 1:30 in the afternoon, we all agreed to go shopping. After a short five minute walk, we were dead centre in Surfer’s Paradise. A few hours later, lots of goods had been purchased. Arriving back at the Towers, Coach Lloyd was shocked at the boys’ “unhealthy appetite for shopping” which continued throughout the trip whenever the opportunity arose!

Monday’s game was expected to be harder than Saturday’s. At the Ipswich Hockey Centre in Ipswich we challenged Met West Boys, an U19 provincial side. We went down 2-1 due to their amazing goal keeper (who is also the Queensland U18 goalie).  Otherwise it was a very tight game. Lloyd was pleased to see the team working cohesively and maintaining our structure under pressure. More shopping was in order in the afternoon; an iced, flavoured drink called a Slurpee was becoming a routine purchase for many of us.

Tuesday the 10th of April was a new day and the disappointment of our loss the day before saw us come out firing, destroying the East’s Club Junior side 13-0. Alex Wood scored another hat trick and many others scoring multiple goals.

A surprise was in store for all of us after the game. The players in their rooms of four had to cook their own dinners and host two of the parents. We were supplied the ingredients and had a recipe to follow, and that was it; no advice, just ‘go’. Some of the more experienced members of the team stepped up to the plate and cooked amazing meals. Most of the parents were pleased with their dinner… Most of them.

Wednesday morning was by far the coldest it had been in our time in Australia. It was also the day the team had scheduled to go jet boating. This was free of charge due to a kind donation from Tim Woods. Many of the team wore sweatshirts as it was a bit nippy; however, little did we know what was to come. We entered the jet boats and were supplied massive red rain coats, foreshadowing an imminent event. We were off, with a gradual build-up until we made it out of the river into the harbour. At this point, the 450 horsepower engine of the jet boat was unleashed.

At times it was hard to keep our eyes open whilst speeding through the harbour. 360 degree spins were one of an assortment of tricks and maneuvers to ensure that we all got drenched from head to toe. As the ride came to an end, those with light clothes were realizing how lucky they were, as the now beaming Australian sun dried them off quickly. Those with woolen sweatshirts, on the other hand, were not so lucky and had to endure a short, cold walk back to the Towers to undress and quickly hop in the shower.

Later that day we had our game against Labrador Club.  This proved to be another very easy game; we convincingly defeating Labrador 14-0. Nicholas Woods picking up a hat trick with three precision drag flicks. Also, Aidan Sarikaya got his hat trick with three amazing field goals. An Australian spectator was heard commenting on the impressive cohesive and structured style of hockey the HBHS boys were playing, with a strong ‘team’ flavour and no real ‘stars’. After the game, we were hosted by the Labrador Club. Dinner was enjoyable, and a presentation and exchange of gifts occurred.

Our game on Thursday the 12th was against an U19 Provincial representative side named the South Coast Schoolboys. They were supposedly the best team we were to face. According to Lloyd, this game was the “best hockey played by the boys all week”.

The combination of Captain Dane Vickers and Nicholas Woods at the back enabled us to shut down any opposition attack with ease. The result of this was that no goals were scored against us. The final score was 6-0. The South Coast’s coach revealed his team really struggled with the style and game plan HBHS was playing and had his players complaining at half time “how do we get the ball off them!?”.

Credit must go to Chris Rees-Gibbs, who came into the team as a new player and managed to achieve top goal scorer, completing seven goals over the five games. This was closely followed by Aidan Sarikaya with six.

Friday the 13th was an exciting day for all of us. After a 30 minute drive we found ourselves at the entrance of Movie World. Five hours of full-on exhilarating rides and shows left us exhausted, but satisfied. For some it got even better, as at 5 o’clock about half the team and a few parents caught the train to Brisbane to watch the Brisbane Broncos versus the Canberra Raiders League game at Suncorp Stadium. That night when they all got back, I remember seeing Dane ecstatic and buzzing about the game, unable to stop talking about it for hours after. For some, it was off to bed straight away, but others realised it was only three hours until we had to get up and drive to the airport and didn’t think it was worth sleeping at all.

4am came too soon. 

We had packed our gear up and cleaned our rooms the day before, so we jumped in the vans and travelled to the airport. Passports and boarding passes at the ready, we passed through customs with ease and boarded the plane. Three hours later, we were back home in New Zealand. Everyone said their goodbyes and many thanks were given. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the team to personally thank Ms Shah and Lloyd for coaching and controlling us and Margaret Milicich and Maggie Vickers for the organisation and management of the whole trip. Also we need to acknowledge Tim Woods, Marty Vickers and Bill Miles for driving the vans and Brenda Pearson and Trudi Miles for being there whenever we needed something. All in all, the entire trip was very successful and I’m sure future trips will be even greater.

Matthew Polley



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