
HBHS - Opportunities to Serve

The student leadership structure and the ethos of HBHS lend themselves to a strong service programme.  All students are able to participate in the service programme, and the Service Committee, co-ordinated by Dan Bair, has developed a strategic vision for the ways that the good will and energy of individual boys can be put to the best use.

Bayden Walker (Year 9, pictured right) is a good example of the young men who apply themselves to the service programme.  Bayden works hard at his studies in 931, loves playing hockey, and has completed 30 hours of documented service during 2011 to date.  The bulk of his volunteer work has been in the community; specifically, umpiring hockey games for up-and-coming young players.  Bayden’s efforts were recently acknowledged during an assembly at Te Rapa School.  He reflected on the way that service has fitted into his life and interests:

Describe what has happened to you recently.

I was invited back to my old school, Te Rapa, because of the work I’ve been doing there with hockey training and refereeing.

How long have you been playing hockey?

About five or six years.  I play goalie.  I learnt how to referee by watching my Dad, who refs games, and by reading the rules off the internet, where I found them. 

What age groups do you referee?

I’ve refereed two matches with Year 9 and 10 players, and all of the rest this year have been between Years 5 and 8.  I like to referee games much more than just watching, because you are involved, and it’s cool to be around when my brother is playing too.  You meet heaps of new people when you do something like this, and you’re all there because you like the game.  Service is easy if you find something that you want to share.

Have you thought about what you want to do next year?

Next year I might try and get my umpiring license.  That means that this work will stop being service, because I can start to get paid for it, but the experience has been really good.  I will find other ways to do service next year.


How does service at HBHS work?

Any student can participate in the service programme.  It is co-ordinated by a prefects’ committee and staff member Dan Bair.  Service booklets are distributed to interested students at the beginning of the year, and all work carried out on a voluntary basis for the benefit of community members (school, local or national).  Care of family members can not be included, but most other service activities which allow the boys to engage with people and share their skills and time with them are encouraged.  If you would like to know more about service at HBHS, or have an activity that we could support, please contact Dan at








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