Computing Scholarships for HBHS Students
Five of seven 2011 HBHS candidates have been awarded a Waikato University Computer Science Scholarship this year. This examination had a two hour written component and a six hour practical component, completed over two days. These successful Year 13s are entitled to receive $5000 towards their fees for the first year at Waikato. Also, scholarship winners are sometimes given the option to fast-track their study by replacing first year papers with more advanced material. The university only award ten of these schlarships throughout the Waikato region, so naturally we feel this is a great result.
Yr 13 Scholarship Recipients:
Matthew Law
Steffan Safey
Chris Llyod
Year 12 Scholarship Winners:
Adam Fleming
Grady Hooker
A Merit (partial scholarship) was awarded to Steven French.
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