
Athletics Sports Day 2015

Athletics Sports Porritt Stadium

Wednesday 25th February, 8.30am – 2.45pm.


Dear Parents/Caregivers


We invite all parents to attend our annual athletics day at Porritt Stadium, on Crosby Road, Wednesday 25th  February.  Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day.


  • RegistrationStudents are to make their own way to Porritt Stadium and report to their tutor group teacher in their House area by 8.30am. The first events commence at 8.50am.
  • Buses: Where possible school buses will be re-routed to Porritt Stadium and will pick them up outside Porritt Stadium at the conclusion of the event between 2.30-3:00pm.  Students who do end up at school will need to catch the anti-clockwise Orbiter bus to the Crosby Road stop and walk to the Stadium from there.
  • Bikes: will be kept in a secure area and be supervised by staff throughout the day.
  • Uniform:  Full school uniform or official House or PE shirts with PE shorts is to be worn to and from Porritt Stadium.  While participating in the events, PE uniform or House T shirts must be worn.  Running shoes are recommended to be worn on the track (to avoid receiving blisters).
  • Attendance is compulsory. The day offers all boys the opportunity to compete at a level that challenges them personally, and also earn points for their ‘House’ in a strongly contested House Competition.  It is also a day to identify our elite athletes and for students of all abilities to compete in at least one jumping, throwing and sprint event, as well as relays.
  • Expectations:  If students are absent due to sickness parents must provide a note in the School Diary to the Tutor Teacher on the next school day of attendance.
  • Finishing Time:  The day will finish at approx. 2:45pm when students will be released.  Parents are requested not to seek early release for their sons, except in the case of emergencies.
  • Sun:  Please ensure your son has protection from the sun in the form of sunblock, a hat, sunglasses and clothing to cover up.
  • Food:  A canteen is available to buy lunch and drinks but you will need cash – No EFTPOS available
  • Weather:  If the weather is doubtful, please check the school website under school notices at 7:00am for cancellation.  We will also send an email via school links.
  • Belongings:  Although we take every care to prevent loss of personal belongings, we urge students not to bring valuables to Athletics (cell phones are acceptable if the students take responsibility for them).


Yours sincerely

Mr T Miller

TIC Athletics

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