
2012 Head Boy Juan Roberston

What was your first impression of Hamilton Boys' High School as a new Year 9?

I remember the powhiri, and one Year 13 student in particular, looking at me - challenging me, during the haka.  My first thoughts were 'That's five years away, but I reckon it's going to come around pretty quick.

How have you made decisions about your academic and service goals while you've been here? 

I've always talked to teachers and Deans as well as the Masters in Charge - asked them for advice.  Whenever I had any questions or ideas, I'd seek out the teachers that were likely to be able to help.  I've had a lot of mentoring.

What's been a highlight of your HBHS experience, so far?

My biggest highlight must be having been able to make a film.  In Year 11, teachers allowed me to work on a very different type of programme.  They gave all of us a huge amount of support, and were as passionate about seeing the project through as we were.  That was great.

From a strictly academic perspective, what have the highlights been?

I got top in Years 9 and 10, so receiving Junior Dux was a highlight.  Also getting a 99% average in the Cambridge IGCSE examinations was something I'm very pleased with.

Which prefect duties will you focus on most?

The two areas that appeal to me most are service and academics.  I've always been keen to help people - I'd like to help to continue to grow this aspect of our school culture.  As far as academics go, I'm very focused on encouraging people to strive for the things that they want.  It's exciting to see the way that the top-end of our academic achievement is flourishing, and that our overall performance keeps improving each year.

What advice would you have for any student starting out at HBHS, junior or senior?

The teachers are here for you.  This school experience will be what you make of it - this is a place where you can get support in a range of different capacities to do whatever you wish.  Whether you're into rugby, academics, rock climbing, making art; I can guarantee that there is a staff member willing to help you improve. 

Which challenges are likely to be the most significant for you over the next twelve months?

Being able to help the prefects gel and identify their strengths so that everyone in the school benefits.  I'll be happy if we go from strength to strength.

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