
12 Personal Bests in 12 Races

Jesse Reynolds has just completed an outstanding six days of competition at the New Zealand Open Championships.  Amongst Jesse's most signification personal achievements were twelve personal best times  from twelve races (six heats and six finals).  Jesse won six gold medals form six finals, gaining two New PNZ S9 Long Course records and broke two others he already held.   

As of Monday, after smashing his 400 free time by five seconds at the Opens, Jesse has been invited to compete for Paralympics NZ at the IPC sanctioned Paralympics qualifying meet in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA in May 2012.  This has come as an unexpected surprise but it will be a great opportunity for Jesse to compete along with other S9 athletes at a high standard.  Paralympics NZ think it will give him some much needed competition and experience in the world circuit.  Jesse is now in the Target Rio team from PNZ, so his ultimate target is the 2016 Paralympics in Rio.
The cost for Jesse to go to this meet in the USA is approximately $6000, so his family is now on the fundraising trail.  They need to raise $6,000.00 in six weeks.  Anyone who is interested in supporting Jesse can contact his mother Tracey at for details.

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