
100+ Level 3 Excellence Credits for HBHS Dux

Siva Mahoharan was the Dux of Hamilton Boys’ High School in 2009. He distinguished himself by attaining Excellence endorsements at each level of the senior school. What is particularly impressive about Siva’s achievements is that the proportion of Excellences he achieved each year consistently increased. 

Our 2009 Dux is a down-to-earth individual who was happy to share his thoughts on the key to academic success. HBHS interviewed Siva to find out how he did it.
‘Choose the subjects that you love. The rest will follow…’
HBHS: I understand that you achieved a particularly pleasing result in your Level Three studies last year.
SM: In 2009 I got 113 Excellence credits and 3 Merit credits in total (of which 88 Excellences and 3 Merits were from Externals). All were NCEA Level 3.
Which subjects did you study last year?
Calculus, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Accounting and IT.
So, how do you get 100+ Excellences at Level Three? What sort of daily routine did you have last year?
Basically, I studied for quite a while, but I didn’t do anything special or extreme. I played badminton and chess as well.
Was the preparation for each assessment a slog?
I studied subjects I found interesting, so it was good. I’m studying Computer Science and Maths in a double major at Waikato this year. I’d like to be a software developer. The study I did last year leads me to this.
What were some highlights of your year, last year?
Becoming a prefect, and attending Senior Prizegiving. The Leadership Camp last year was good as well.
Is there any advice in particular you would give to boys who would like to follow in your footsteps?
In Year 12 I chose subjects that I really enjoyed, that would also really help me in my career. Maths and Sciences have been good for me. The most important this is to study subjects you love.
We wish Siva well for his studies in 2010, and look forward to hearing about his successes in the future.
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